Shraddha Das, who is well known for playing second heroine roles in most of the films in her career, has signed yet another film titled ‘Rey’. The film, which is being directed by YVS Chowdary fea...Continue reading
'Arrdham' stars Mahendra, who acted as a child artist in 'Devi' and 'Peda Rayudu', in the lead. Directed by Manikanth Thalaguti, the thriller also features Shraddha Das, Ajay, Amani, Sahithi Avanch...Continue reading
Natasimha Nandamuri Balakrishna's ‘Dictator’ is coming to the audience on January 14 as Sankranti treat. Versatile director Sriwass, who carved commercial and family entertainers such as ‘Lakshyam’...Continue reading
The coming Friday, the Telugu box-office will witness the re-release of Sekhar Kammula's 'Happy Days'. Besides the one re-release, it will also see four new releases. 'Tenant': Directed by Y Yugan...Continue reading
Georgia is a little known country tucked between the Black sea in the West and Caspian Sea in the East. The country forever was at war with the USSR and present Russia as recently as 8 years ago. T...Continue reading
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