Actress Samantha will be joining the shooting sets of Deva Katta’s ‘Autonagar Surya’ from July 20th onwards. “Shooting from the 20th last 3 days of talkie portion of autonagar surya”, she mentioned...Continue reading
It's known that, on September 5, Samantha Akkineni floated a new clothing line named Saaki. Making the announcement, she said that it has been a dream of her to launch a clothing line, which she sa...Continue reading
Samantha is one of the top actresses in present generation who has been regarded as the best dressed actress in Tollywood and Sout. While some of her fans admire her beautiful smile and say she ...Continue reading
Tamil actor-director Uday Mahesh's character in 'The Family Man 2' has become a social media mania of late. Although his is not a full-fledged character in the web series, Netizens can't have enoug...Continue reading
Generally we see that once the film is released it gets trimmed. This happened with the recently released Mahesh Babu starrer Brahmotsavam and some more films. But the converse is happening in ...Continue reading
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