Nandamuri Natasimha Balakrishna’s prestigious film ‘Legend’ is rewriting its records. The film will created yet another record by completing its 365 days successful run on March 28. The prestigious...Continue reading
Nandamuri Balakrishna's prestigious film 'Legend', which was directed by the promising director Boyapati Sreenu under 14 Reels Entertainments banner and presented by Vaaraahi Chalana Chitram banner...Continue reading
Remember Sonal Chauhan? She was in films like Legend opposite Nandamuri Balakrishna and with actor Ram she was seen in Pandaga Chesuko. Sonal is in news again. This time it is not for any fi...Continue reading
Pandaga Chesko directed by Gopichand Mallineni starring Ram, Rakul, Brahmanandam is running successfully in USA in all major locations. It is expected to surpass previous highest collections of Ram...Continue reading
Nandamuri Balakrishna’s latest movie ‘Legend’ is presently progressing at Simhachalam. No, no, don’t get confused! A look alike set of Simhachalam was erected in Hyderabad where the unit is curre...Continue reading
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