Recently, director Sampath Nandi nominated actress Bhumika Chawla for the Green India Challenge and the 'Simhadari' actress has taken it up. She planted three saplings at her residence along ...Continue reading
Sumanth Aswin, Srikanth, Bhumika Chawla, Tanya Hoop as the main leads, the movie Idhe Maa Katha is being made. Road Journey is the main theme of the story, the movie is being directed by Guru Pawan...Continue reading
Sumanth Aswin, Srikanth, Bhumika Chawla, Tanya Hoop are the main leads in 'Idhe Maa Katha', whose trailer was unveiled on Thursday. Directed by Guru Pawan, the road movie will head to the theatres ...Continue reading
‘April Fool’ is the story developed with the incidents that occurred on April Fools day. The film stars Jagapathy Babu, Bhumika, Randhir, Srushti, Gulshan Grover, etc. and is jointly being made un...Continue reading
Chandan Kumar and Sangeetha Chauhan as the lead pair, a youthful love story 'Luv U Alia' is being made under Sammy's Magic Cinema banner with Indrajith Lankesh as director. Right now post-productio...Continue reading
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