‘Rey’, the Musical love story of Sai Dharam Tej is all set to arrive theaters in February. Written, director and produced by YVS Chowdary, the film also introduces Bollywood veteran actress Shaban...Continue reading
Sai Dharam Tej’s maiden film ‘Rey’ which is being directed and produced by YVS Chowdary on his home banner ‘Bommarillu Vaaru’, will have its audio released in 1st week of December. YVS Chowdary...Continue reading
Georgia is a little known country tucked between the Black sea in the West and Caspian Sea in the East. The country forever was at war with the USSR and present Russia as recently as 8 years ago. T...Continue reading
Sunny Leone is coming back to the south with the most prestigious project in Dr.Rajasekhar’s career, PSV Garuda Vega 126.18M. She will be seen in an item number choreographed by Vishnu deva o...Continue reading
Praveen Sattaru-directed 'PSV Garuda Vega' stars Dr. Rajsekhar as an NIA officer. The high-budgeted movie throws up a range of interesting characters, mainly the menacing villain George (Kishore o...Continue reading
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