'Mishan Impossible', a comedy caper headlined by Taapsee Pannu, is directed by Swaroop RSJ of 'Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya' fame. Produced by Matinee Entertainment, the film is already on the floor...Continue reading
It is undoubtedly one of the much awaited film this season. When films that released last week failed to enthrall, Ghazi is one film on which trade has pinned hopes. Ghazi will be released in Telug...Continue reading
Taapsee Pannu recently made an announcement regarding her production company. Named 'Outsiders Films', Taapsee Pannu has come up with her debut production with a movie titled 'BLURR'. Besides produ...Continue reading
The audio of Krishna Vamsi’s latest film ‘Mogudu’ is going to be released on the Vijayadasami Day, i.e., on October 6th. Featuring Gopichand, Taapsee and Shraddha Das in the lead Nallamalapu Bujji...Continue reading
After the super success of ‘Seetamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu’, Victory Venkatesh takes a break from family flicks and gets ready with action entertainer ‘Shadow’ in which he sports a very stylis...Continue reading
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