The recently released small Telugu Film Kshanam is going national - with subtitles. As of now, the film has released mostly in the two Telugu states, Karnataka and in Tamil Nadu. Now though, the fi...Continue reading
“Garam Cinemas LLC” proudly announces the acquisition of Overseas distribution rights of the Telugu action and romantic entertainer “Garam” starring Aadi and Adah Sharma. This star studded film has...Continue reading
Adah is known to be a good dancer and very energetic but every time she surprises with something innovative . In one performance she did gymnastic stunts ,in another she did belly dancing and Hoola...Continue reading
News is rife that Adah Sharma will be doing an item number in Nani's film. She was also offered huge money the news said. The film in question is Nani starrer Jersey. But this is false says Adah. ...Continue reading
As the super hit Kshanam enters into its 3rd week, multiplexes are decided to increase their no. of shows owing to popular demand. In select areas, theaters of the two states have also been added. ...Continue reading
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