Satya is the title of a short film led by Sai Durgha Tej and Swathi Reddy. Hanshitha and Harshith Reddy have produced this one on Dil Raju Productions. The news is that the acclaimed short is in t...Continue reading
P Samudrakarani, who directed a super hit film like ‘Shambo Siva Shambo’ in Tamil, is now directing a Tamil film titled ‘Porali’ featuring Allari Naresh and Sashi Kumar as males lead and Swathi, Va...Continue reading
Naresh, Sashi Kumar, Swathi, Vasundara and Niveda starrer ‘Sangharshana’ which is titled as ‘Porali’ in Tamil is all set to hit theaters on December 1st. The film is directed by Samudrakani and th...Continue reading
Colors Swathi's recent release was 'London Babulu'. She has not been seen much in Tollywood recently. Fact is that she has no films wither in Telugu or Tamil. But in London Babulo she had got a goo...Continue reading
Hero Jai and Colors Swathi starrer ‘Kulfi’ is the Telugu dubbed version of a Tamil film ‘Vadacurry’, being brought to the Telugu audience by producer Narasimha Reddy Samula. The dubbing work has ...Continue reading
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