Deva Katta’s ‘Autonagar Surya’ featuring Naga Chaitanya and Samantha as lead pair is taking shape under the banner Macs India Pvt Ltd., banner with RR Movie Makers as its presenter. The trailers o...Continue reading
Two-timing is a term used to describe the act of being unfaithful to a romantic partner by having a secret relationship with someone else at the same time. It's a form of deception. Naga Chaitanya,...Continue reading
Bilingual film ‘Yeto Velli Poyindhi Manasu’ starring Nani and Samantha in Telugu version is getting ready for release during 3rd week of October. This musical love story, which is being directed b...Continue reading
It is a known fact that Samantha is all set to appear in Hindi web series Family Man-2. The trailer which was released recently got a huge response from all over. Samantha Akkineni who is to ...Continue reading
The teaser of 'Jaanu', the Telugu remake of Tamil movie '96', has been out. Sharwanand and Samantha play the leads in this movie, which is being directed by C Prem Kumar, who directed the original ...Continue reading
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