Shriya Saran is currently doing a female-centric, multi-lingual film titled 'Gamanam'. Helmed by Sujana Rao, the film is a realistic drama that will release in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and...Continue reading
In these days where human values are diminishing day by day, Shriya Saran rescued the stray dog in Bhopal, where she was shooting for a Bollywood flick ‘Galli Galli Mein Chor Hein’. It is learnt t...Continue reading
For the first time in Telugu cinema, assistant directors have done the honours of unveiling a first look. Hero Sree Vishnu’s look from ‘Veera Bhoga Vasantha Rayalu’ is unveiled by...Continue reading
The recent blockbuster that took everyone by surprise was ‘Eega’ (Naan Ee in Tamil) that was successful in attracting a huge audience in Telugu and Tamil. With a very unique and attractive storyli...Continue reading
Recently, there were reports that the makers of 'Roudram Ranam Rudhiram' would be commencing massive promotions soon. Although there is no official confirmation so far, the fans of the movie are wa...Continue reading
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