'Thank You Brother' is an upcoming comedy revolving around a set of fictional events in the era of coronavirus. Its Title Poster was on Friday unveiled by 'Baahubali' and 'Viraata Parvam' actor Ran...Continue reading
‘Rangasthalam’, a period drama set in 1985 era, is one of the most awaited films of the year. We all know that Anasuya plays a crucial role in Ram Charan and Samantha starrer ‘Ran...Continue reading
Anasuya Bharadwaj’s role from Dr. Mohan Babu’s ‘Gayatri’ has been revealed. The anchor turned actress will be seen as Ms. Shreshta Jayaram, an investigative reporter in the ...Continue reading
Here is a new bilingual in the town. 'Vimanam' is its title. After 'Vinodhaya Sitham' (Tamil), Samuthirakani is once again playing a central character in yet another film. The outing under producti...Continue reading
Ravi Teja's 'Khiladi' is set to head to theatres on February 11. Director Ramesh Varma has been releasing one song after another. The news is that the film will be released simultaneously in Telugu...Continue reading
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