Maa TV who has launched dance show Nach Baliye in Telugu has approached the actress to be one of the judges on the show. "Adah who is known to be very selective with her films has a huge fan follow...Continue reading
Adah Sharma as a sexy sultry modern bride on the cover of GnG magazine Adah is known to experiment with fashion. Be it in movies or in real life she tries something different always. Be it as Li...Continue reading
After two consecutive successes with 'Ishq' and 'Gunde Jaari Gallantayyinde', Nithin is now heavily banking on Puri Jagannadh's 'Heart Attack' to hit a hat-trick. The film which is supposed to...Continue reading
It's only a matter of few days that our next film, S/O Satyamurthy will be hitting screens worldwide and I'm overwhelmed with the amount of love you've showered upon us and our team. We're delight...Continue reading
Gone is the time when auditions of actresses determined which actress will be in a film. Now their social media hype will determine if they are fit for the film or not. Kiara Advani who played a r...Continue reading
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