Varun Tej as hero, a film titled ‘Mister’ is being made under Srinu Vaitla’s direction. Nallamalupu Srinivas (Bujji) and Tagore Madhu are jointly producing the film on Lakshmi Nar...Continue reading
‘Odela RailwayStation’, written by popular director Sampath Nandi, is directed by Ashok Teja. Starring Vasishta Simha and Hebah Patel, the film's new poster is out marking the New Year'...Continue reading
Young and successful hero Nikhil’s supernatural thriller Ekkadiki Pothavu Chinnavada is turning out to be a milestone film for the actor. The film released last week is continuing to rake good coll...Continue reading
The censor work of 'Andhhagadu' has been completed. The film received a U/A certificate and is set for a grand release on 2nd June. The censor team appreciated the makers and congratulated in advan...Continue reading
Socio fantasy thriller ‘Angel’ starring Young hero Naga Anvesh, Beauty Queen Hebah Patel is releasing on November 3. Ahead of its release, its Hindi version’s satellite rights hav...Continue reading
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