A Malayalam film titled 'Bandra' was released in theatres in 2023. The action drama film, directed by Arun Gopy and produced by Vinayaka Ajith, starred Dileep in the lead. Soon after the movie's re...Continue reading
Despite the producers’ efforts to cast Tamannah opposite Mahesh Babu in ‘Aagadu’, buzz is that the actress opted out claiming unavailability of dates for the film which came as a surprise to the pr...Continue reading
There will be a third film in Raju Gaari Gadhi series. It is a hit series and much looked forward to. Omkar is directing the third series. This director is looking at roping Tamannah for the lead r...Continue reading
The success meet of 'Seetimaarr' was held on Tuesday evening. Speaking on the occasion Aggressive Star Gopichand said that the movie has become a big hit with the blessings of Lord Ganesha. "The g...Continue reading
It is known that Milky beauty Tamannaah made her debut on the small screen with ‘Master Chef India Telugu’. The talented actress left the viewers impressed with her hosting skills. Not ...Continue reading
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