'Mishan Impossible', a comedy caper headlined by Taapsee Pannu, is directed by Swaroop RSJ of 'Agent Sai Srinivasa Athreya' fame. Produced by Matinee Entertainment, the film will hit the cinemas on...Continue reading
Baba Seghal has his own style of singing and he knows very well that how to turn the audience towards him with his magic voice. However, everytime he will be in full charge and makes the people...Continue reading
Aadhi Pinisetty, Taapsee Pannu and Ritika Singh starrer ‘Neevevaro’ release date is officially announced by the makers today with a poster. The film will release worldwide on August 24....Continue reading
Taapsee Pannu's popularity is on a rise in Bollywood. She has her hands full with many films in Hindi. Meanwhile there have been rumours that Taapsee will also be acting in the remake of U Turn. Or...Continue reading
Here is a dance still of Venkates and Taapsee from the movie ‘Shadow’ being directed by Mehar Ramesh. With soundtrack from Thaman, the audio is expected to be launched in early March. This pic ...Continue reading
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