Hero Jiiva, who reached Telugu audience with the super hit film ‘Rangam’, is playing the lead role in a psychological thriller ‘Kee’ set in the backdrop of cybercrime. Nikki...Continue reading
Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Gabbar Singh’ which is a remake of Salman Khan’s ‘Dabangg’ is taking shape under the direction of Harish Shankar. We are aware that Shruti Haasan is playing the female lead role in...Continue reading
'Balamevvadu' is an upcoming movie that focuses on how the corporate culture has infected the health department, resulting in loot and worse. Dhruvan Katakam is the hero, the movie stars Niya Tripa...Continue reading
Team Yatra has announced the release date and time of the teaser of the film. It will be out on July 8th at 00.01AM. The film will release during Sankranthi 2019. The shooting of Yatra is progress...Continue reading
An unconditional compassion and insatiable passion for the love for Tamil literature and industry. Especially, the remarkable feat of accomplishments that is marked by his vast domain across years ...Continue reading
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