'Back Door', starring Poorna and Teja Tripurana, is directed by Karri Balaji. The news is that the film will be released in theaters on December 18. The worldwide release rights of the thriller ha...Continue reading
'Sundari' is one of the female-centric movies being made in the Telugu film industry. Starring Poorna of 'Avunu' fame as the protagonist, this one is produced by Rizwan Entertainment, which is also...Continue reading
The much awaited movie ‘Laddu Babu’ starring Allari Naresh, Poorna and Bhumika in the lead roles under the banner Maharadhi Films and Tripuraneni productions is probably going to get released on 1...Continue reading
There's no denying that the Yesteryear actress Jayaprada is one of the most popular and talented stars in the Telugu film industry. She has done variety of roles in her decades of career. Interesti...Continue reading
Poorna will be featuring in an item number in the forthcoming film 'Adhugo' and this song will be released tomorrow. This is the title song of the film and will also have Bunty, the piglet sharing ...Continue reading
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