A Malayalam film titled 'Bandra' was released in theatres in 2023. The action drama film, directed by Arun Gopy and produced by Vinayaka Ajith, starred Dileep in the lead. Soon after the movie's re...Continue reading
The first look of the gorgeous Tamannah Bhatia from S.S. Rajamouli’s period war drama ‘Baahubali’ has been released today by the makers, on the occasion of Tamannah’s birthday. The look has rec...Continue reading
Tamannnaah was supposed to play the lead role in 'Raju Gari Gadhi 3'. She was even present at the launch event. But later, she was replaced by Avika Gor. It was rumoured that the 'Sye Raa Narasimha...Continue reading
Tamannah is not seen much in Tollywood these days. She has shifted base to Bollywood. She has now bagged the Dadasaheb Phalke Excellence Award for her outstanding performance in the blockbuster "Ba...Continue reading
No, Tamannaah Bhatia is not getting married. She is only reacting to the false rumour that she is soon going to tie the knot with a businessman. On Wednesday, the star heroine put out a video clip...Continue reading
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