Anushka was shooting for Bhagmati. The film has been in news for a long time. But off late not much is spoken about this movie. Even the first look of the movie has not been released. The makers of...Continue reading
Tamil hero Chiyan Vikram is presently doing a bilingual film titled ‘Thandavam’. This movie is simultaneously being made in Telugu and Tamil in which Anushka is playing the leading lady opposite V...Continue reading
Baahubali 2 has mostly been shot in Ramoji Film City in Hyderabad. Some portions of the film has been shot in Kerala and Karnataka. Rajamouli is now shooting some important parts of this film in a ...Continue reading
In 'Miss Shetty, Mr Polishetty', Naveen Polishetty plays a condemned son and a damned lover boy. The latest song, 'Hathavidi', brings out both aspects, although the emphasis is more on heartbreak. ...Continue reading
Baahubali is shooting at a brisk pace. The first part of Baahubali left an unanswered question which was, “why did Kattappa kill Baahubali?”. The answer to this question has been filmed at the RFC ...Continue reading
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