'Death Game' is an upcoming thriller starring Amar Nath Reddy, Bhanu Sri, Soni, Suraya Parveen and others. Directed by Cheran, the film is a suspense thriller produced jointly by KC Suri and Rajase...Continue reading
Bigg Boss fame Bhanu Shri is playing the lead role in a romantic entertainer titled 'Touring Talkies'. Vijay Peddireddy is playing the lead in this movie, directed by Ranganath Mutyala and produced...Continue reading
'Yedu Chepala Katha' has recently been censored with an 'A' certificate and the latest trailer once again justifies the certification. The new trailer shows that the lead actor Abhishek Reddy aka T...Continue reading
'Nallamala', starring Amit Tiwari and Bhanu Sri in the lead, has Nasser in a key role. Also featuring Tanikella Bharani, Ajay Ghosh, Kalakeya Prabhakar, Chatrapathi Sekhar, Chalaki Chanti, and Mukk...Continue reading
'Nallamala' hit the cinemas this Friday. Director Ravi Charan is extremely glad about the reception that the movie has received. "Distributors and friends from the two Telugu States have been call...Continue reading
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