'Acharya' is all set to hit the cinemas on April 29. It has been speculated that Kajal Aggarwal's role has been given a raw deal by director Koratala Siva. She has got not even a token presence in ...Continue reading
Brahmotsavam is all set to hit theatres. Just a day away from release the film is all geared up for a massive release. Here is a tit bit about the film. As we all know this film has three leading l...Continue reading
Mahesh Babu starrer Brahmotsavam is doing great business. As Friday ended the film collected 800 USD. With the premiere shows the film got 560K USD and collected another 200 USD on Friday. Totally ...Continue reading
Jiiva and Kajal Agarwal starrer rom-com entertainer ‘Enthavaraku Ee Prema’ has completed the censor formality and received U/A certificate from the censor board members. Now, the film i...Continue reading
Ravi Teja, Kajal and Richa Gangopadhyay are shooting for the film that has a tentative title ‘Sir Vostaru’. Parasuram is directing this movie. After completing its shooting schedule in Ramoji Fil...Continue reading
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