Deeksha character portrayed by Lakshmi Manchu in Wife Of Ram represents every woman in the modern society at certain level. Hence, the characterization and her body language has been designed to re...Continue reading
Manchu Lakshmi, who is known for experimenting with new-fangled themes, is coming up with yet another interesting thriller. On the eve of Pongal, the film unit of Manchu Lakshmi’s next made a...Continue reading
Jyotika, the protagonist of the Tamil film Kaatrin Mozhi completed the film in a start to finish single schedule. The film commenced shooting on 4th June and went on without a break and she complet...Continue reading
Audio launch events are usually pretty regular and to the most part mundane. Most of the events focus on some dance performances and end by releasing the audio CD. This format has been happenin...Continue reading
Lakshmi Prasanna is all set to produce a bilingual film titled ‘Gundello Godaari’ which will also be simultaneously made in Tamil. She is not only going to introduce a new director Kumar but also ...Continue reading
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