The crime branch of Hyderabad police arrested a producer today for being allegedly cheating the public with an amount of Rs 90 crores. He is producer Nandi Srihari, who recently produced the film ‘...Continue reading
What's Kareena Kapoor doing with southern stars? Having a fun time!!! Here is a pic of Prakash Raj, Ravi Teja, Kareena Kapoor and Charmi captured by Pony Prakash Raj. Charmi shared the below pics...Continue reading
Charmee had approached the High Court in the matter of the drug scandal. She had requested the HC to exempt her from attending the questioning from SIT. High Court today has said that Charmee has ...Continue reading
Melody Brahma Mani Sharma has been signed to compose music for director Puri Jagannadh’s next movie titled ‘iSmart Shankar.’ This is the sixth film in the combination of Mani and ...Continue reading
Charmi-Jagapathi Babu starrer ‘Nagaram Nidra Potunna Vela’ has its audio launching event recently. This movie which is directed by Prem Raj and produced by Nandi Srihari under Gurudev Creations (P...Continue reading
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