Hindi action spy thriller 'Naam Shabana' directed by Shivam Nair is being dubbed in Telugu as ‘Nene Shabana’. The film stars Taapse Pannu, Anupam Kher, Prithviraj and Akshay Kumar in le...Continue reading
‘Saahasam’ in the combination of Gopichand and Chandra Sekhar Yeleti, a prestigious movie for producer ‘Chatrapati Prasad on Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra India Pvt Ltd., is all set to hit screens w...Continue reading
Megastar Chiranjeevi threw his weight behind 'Mishan Impossible' (April 1st theatrical release) by attending the pre-release event of the movie as the chief guest. He was there to support the small...Continue reading
Taapsee, the rising star says that she is ready to do any kind of role that is offered to her because it is her profession to do so. However, as a viewer she prefers to watch only certain kind of ...Continue reading
The ethnic Punjabi, Taapsee Pannu wants to see her sister on the silver screen. She has a younger sister named Shagun Pannu, who is now keen on entering into films. If sources are to be considere...Continue reading
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