Karunakaran’s DARLING movie starring the handsome hunk Prabhas and gorgeous Kajal Agarwal is confirmed to release Friday, April 23, 2010. The movie is scheduled for Censor Board approval on Monday April 19. Premiere shows are being scheduled all over USA and other overseas locations for Thursday, April 22nd.
Audio songs were successfully released on April 8. It is quite evident that music plays a vital role in Karunakaran’s movies. The audio tracks are addictive and the photography is truly awesome. The song ‘Oh Saho Re’ is already a superhit with its peppy style dance beat and lyrics that linger in everyone’s minds. “Neeve”, “Yeyo” and “Pranama” contain lively, youthful music and very catchy lyrics. Almost every listener has been humming to the tunes this week.
Shradda Das and Prabhu play important roles in the movie. Karunakaran has the magical ability to mix subtle emotions with comedy via extraordinary screenplay and cinematography. BVSN Prasad is the producer of Darling and has co-produced ‘Magadheera’, ‘Arya -2’, etc.
Darling will be a wholesome family entertainer based off a unique love story. The movie will be a super-hit for Prabhas and should certainly click with the ‘classy mass’ audience at the overseas Box office.
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