Anjali launches Woman's World at AS Rao Nagar, Hyderabad
Miss.Anjali (Sitarnma Vakitlo Siremalle Chettu fame) actor has launched Womans World @ AS RaoNagar
There's a change in the air. For women who are looking for a shopping experience that's truly out of this world, a world they can call their own has taken shape successfully at Kukataplly , Kothapet , Punjagutta and HimayathNagar, the shopping hub in Hyderabad ..,after the successful launch at 4 locations,., The search for a place that truly pampers women and gives them the space to explore has come to an end at AS RaoNagar Woman's World, a one of its kind mall, exclusively for women, is all set to give a fresh perspective to retail therapy. At Woman's World, women can shop at their own pace in a space that let them be.
From gorgeous Ghagras , resplendent Kanjivarams , beautiful Salwars Woman's World would be a journey worth embarking upon and a place to keep coming back to discover more. For everything a woman looks for in an elaborate wedding, a special occasion or for a vivid moment, there's a range to match covering traditional, western and contemporary chic.
Range of products at Woman's World: Designer Sarees
* Ghagras
* Kanjivarams
* Pure Zari Kotas
* Uppadas
* Paithanis
* Patolas
* Benaras
* Gadwal
* Salwars
* Dress Material
* Fancy Sarees
* and many, many more...