Renowned singer, S.P.Balasubramanyam, turns the main protagonist in the latest Telugu film directed by Tanikella Bharani. At his age, SPB now plays the lead, in the role of a retired school tea...Continue reading
The multifaceted artiste and writer Tanikella Bharani has carved his own niche in the Telugu Film Industry. He is highly commended for being an extraordinary person with an artistic vision. He ...Continue reading
‘Midhunam’ which won the hearts of Telugu audience will be screened in USA from today onwards. Director Tanikella Bharani announced it saying, “The NRIs are eagerly waiting to watch ‘Midhunam’. T...Continue reading
Midhunam is the name of the new movie ready for release this November. It is directed by the multifaceted genius artiste, Tanikella Bharani. The movie is an adaptation of a novel with the same ...Continue reading
The shooting of ‘Midhunam’ has been successfully completed and is presently in post productions. The story of the film is based on Sri Ramana’s ‘Midhunam’ which Tanikella Bharani directed it by ca...Continue reading
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