Title for Pawan Kalyan-Trivikram Srinivas-Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra India Pvt Ltd., movie has been confirmed as ‘Attharintiki Daaredhi’. Producer BVSN Prasad calls this movie as the best fam...Continue reading
An untitled film in the combination of power star Pawan Kalyan and star writer-director Trivikram Srinivas will hit theaters worldwide in August 7th. Nonstop Shooting is briskly progressing. BVSN...Continue reading
Star comedian Aali, who entertained the Telugu film lovers for three and a half decades, is going to receive honorary doctorate from Acadamy of Universal Global Peace at Coimbatore. On this occ...Continue reading
Yes, you read that headline correctly. For his upcoming movie, Pawan Kalyan is, in fact, planning for a title that has Telugu flavour in it. That means unlike titles of his earlier films like ‘J...Continue reading
‘Attarintiki Daaredhi’ in the super hit combination of Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram Srinivas which was produced by ‘Chatrapathi’ Prasad is successfully completing 100 days tomorrow (January 4th). ...Continue reading
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