Young and talented hero Sharvanand is well-known for the unique selection of stories. With his upcoming movie titled Srikaram in the making, here is a small surprise from the makers of Srikaram. A...Continue reading
'Sreekaram', starring Sharwanand and Priyanka Arul Mohan, released in theatres on March 11. The film started streaming on OTT recently. The news is that the Kishor B directorial, coming with an in...Continue reading
Sreekaram glimpse ft Sharwanad has been released on the occasion of Sharwa's birthday and the 'Jaanu' actor looks cool as a young farmer. The glimpse looks breezy with some soothing visuals and ple...Continue reading
The first look of versatile actor, 'dialogue king' Sai Kumar from Sharwanand's 'Sreekaram', has been unveiled on the occasion of his birthday. He plays Ekambaram in the movie and looks it is ...Continue reading
The teaser of 'Sreekaram' was on Tuesday out. Mahesh Babu unveiled it for 14 Reels Plus, which is led by Ram Achanta and Gopi Achanta. As expected, the film is about the importance of farmers. Sha...Continue reading
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