Supreme Hero Sai Dharam Tej as the hero, the upcoming political thriller is titled 'Republic'. Zee Studios presents the movie Republic under the banner- JB Entertainments. Helmed by Devakatta, the...Continue reading
'Republic' is all slated to stream on ZEE5 from November 26. In an audio statement, Sai Dharam Tej has appealed to one and all to watch the political-action drama on OTT and give the makers their v...Continue reading
Sai Dharam Tej-starrer 'Republic' was released on ZEE5 as a post-theatrical outing a few weeks ago. It has clocked millions of viewing minutes since then. 'Oka Chinna Family Story', a five-episode ...Continue reading
'Republic', which stars Sai Dharam Tej as the hero, is all set to be streamed on ZEE5 from November 26. The OTT platform has come up with a novel idea to make the movie more interesting. A special...Continue reading
Although 'Republic' was out in theatres on October 1, Sai Dharam Tej has watched his own movie only now, on OTT. The movie, directed by Deva Katta, started premiering on ZEE5 today. The actor made ...Continue reading
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