The 2018 film 'Sye Raa' depicted the life of India's first freedom fighter, Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy. However, its narrative appeared to align more with the genre of a rural rebellion against the...Continue reading
Ravi Teja is busy promoting 'Tiger Nageswara Rao'. Recently, when he was in Mumbai for its trailer launch event, he was interviewed by a Mumbai-based media house. The interviewer asked him for his ...Continue reading
Director Vamsee Krishna and producer Abhishek Agarwal of 'The Kashmir Files' fame are currently producing Ravi Teja's pan-India movie 'Tiger Nageswara Rao'. Announced in November 2021, the film is ...Continue reading
On Saturday evening, Abhishek Agarwal Arts announced that 15 minutes of running time of 'Tiger Nageswara Rao' has been reduced. Some scenes have been done away with after listening to the audience'...Continue reading
Hankering after power, lust, greed for money. These are described as the worst vices, not necessarily in that order. In the trailer for 'Tiger Nageswara Rao', the eponymous character gleefully indu...Continue reading
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