Chiruta Puli Movie is directed by the A. Venkatesh and produced by Kunireddy Srinivas under the banner Pranathi Creation, the movie cast includes Jr. Shivaji Ganeshan, Gowri Munjal.. Prasanna Kumar composed the music for Chiruta Puli.
With Padmasri Shivaji Ganeshan’s grandson Jr Shivaji Ganeshan as hero a Tamil film ‘Singhakutty’ is now being dubbed into Telugu as ‘Chiruta Puli’. The tagline of this film is ‘From Madhurai’. Th...Continue reading
Jr Shivaji Ganesan starrer ‘Chiruta Puli’ which was ‘Singakutty’ in Tamil is all set to hit Telugu screens on November 11th. Pranathi Creations banner bought the dubbing rights of the Telugu versi...Continue reading
Tamil films hawa has started once again in Tollywood with too many films being dubbed into Telugu from big to small. Here is yet another film ‘Singakutty’ starring Padmasri Sivaji Ganeshan’s grand...Continue reading
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