Warner Brothers’ ‘Green Lantern’ is a 2011 superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name. This film is now releasing on Friday in India in English, Hindi and Telugu respectively. The Telugu version is titled ‘Avataar – 2011’ and it is being released across the state by Rajath Bhargava of Multi-dimension Entertainment (P) Ltd., with 46 prints.
Producer Rajath said, “Avataar – 2011’ was made by Warner Brothers with a lum sum budget of Rs 1,000/-. Martin Campbell, who earlier directed James Bond’s ‘Golden Eye’ directed this film. This movie is the comic series of ‘Green Lantern’. This movie that would attract both children and adults is releasing worldwide on Friday. Ryan Reynolds’s character is in line with superman and spiderman characters. The film is about how the super power hero Hal Jordan steps into the Green Lantern Corps and battles for the universal peace.” The producer concluded saying that ‘Avataar – 2011’ will be released in 3D format in 6 multiplex theaters in Hyderabad, Vijayawada and Aurangabad.”