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‘Lechmi’ Touches Upon The Issue Of Women’s Safety.


Directed by B.N. Shajeer Sha, ‘Lechmi’ has a largely Thiruvananthapuram-based cast and crew. Sajeer, a mining engineer turned producer, is confident that the film will draw audiences to the big screen for its exploration of a hitherto untouched subject. “We have done our homework. Firstly, as far as I know, the psychic disorder dealt with in ‘Lechmi’ has never been shown in Malayalam cinema before. Secondly, the film is a paranormal investigation, which involves ghost busting, again a rarity in Malayalam cinema,” he explains while leaving the rest to one’s imagination.

‘Lechmi’, which stars Parvathy Ratheesh in the lead, touches upon the issue of women’s safety. The plot is revealed through the lives of four bachelors played by Maanav, BN Shabeer, Deepu Parassala (of television show Comedy Star fame) and Sajeer himself.

Theatre artiste-turned-television actor Biju Sopanam plays Baba Swami, with Sethu Laksmi and Moly Angamaly being the other actors in the film.