'Grey' is an upcoming movie starring Arvind Krishna of 'Rishi' fame. Also featuring Ali Reza in a key role, this one is directed by Raj Madiraju. The news is that, marking Valentine's Day, a fresh...Continue reading
'Nathicharami' is an upcoming thriller directed by former journalist Nagu Gavara. Fronted by Arvind Krishna, Poonam Kaur and Sandesh Buri, the film's trailer was released recently. In a statement,...Continue reading
'Atharva' is touted to be a one-of-its-kind crime thriller with a novel concept. Starring Karthik Raju in the lead, the film has Simran Choudhary in a meaty role. Arvind Krishna of 'Rishi' fame is...Continue reading
The youth in our modern society enjoy their life with maximum enthusiasm and also work hard to achieve their goals and ambitions once they decide on a steely resolve. This power of youth is reflect...Continue reading
Debut director Harshath Vidheya’s [EMPTY] which is getting ready of release this summer is a youthful romantic flick with an exceptional storyline mixed with love, suspense and thrill. The fil...Continue reading
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