‘Black Money’ on the backdrop of black money in Swiss Bank featuring Jagapathi Babu, Shivaji, Sonia and Aditi Agarwal in the lead roles is being directed by Poosala Radha and produced by Natti Kuma...Continue reading
Shivaji and Sona Chabra starrer ‘Aasa Dosa Appadam’ has completed its post-production works and getting ready for its audio release. Gandhi Manohar is directing the film and C D Nagendra is pro...Continue reading
The shooting of Shivaji starrer ‘Gurudu’ has been completed except for two songs. The film is presently in post production works. Shivaji is portraying three roles in this film which is being dir...Continue reading
Shivaji’s new film ‘Kolimi’ which is on the backdrop of Telangana movement will hit floors from May 16th onwards. The interesting aspect of this film is that a song will be written by TRS Presiden...Continue reading
Shivaji, Cheswa and Namarata starrer ‘Seesa’ which is directed by M D Issac has completed its shooting part and currently in post productions. According to hero Shivaji, the film was shot in 90 da...Continue reading
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