'Merise Merise', directed by debutant Pavan Kumar K, stars Dinesh Tej of ‘Husharu’ fame and Shweta Avasthi as the lead pair. Produced by Venkatesh Kothuri of KOTHURI Entertainment...Continue reading
Tharun Bhascker, the acclaimed filmmaker of 'Pelli Choopulu' fame, is all set to present an untitled sports drama. An action-packed film, it is headlined by Sai Sushanth Reddy of 'Ee Nagaraniki Ema...Continue reading
Tharun Bhascker of 'Pelli Choopulu' fame is currently directing a crime comedy titled 'Keedaa Cola'. The film doesn't have a hero and a heroine. Given the genre, the 'Ee Nagaraniki Emaindi' directo...Continue reading
The first sneak peek into the world of director Tharun Bhascker Dhassyam’s much awaited film Ee Nagaraniki Emaindi? is out and is generating a great deal of interest ever since it was release...Continue reading
'Keedaa Cola', presented by Suresh Productions' Rana Daggubati and directed by Tharun Bhascker of 'Pelli Choopulu' and 'Ee Nagaraniki Emaindi' fame, has locked its release date. The crime comedy is...Continue reading
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