Pitta Kathalu is Telugu's first Netflix anthology movie, with four stories directed by popular Telugu filmmakers. Pitta Kathalu has four stories titled Ramula, Meera, Pinky, and X-Life, each direct...Continue reading
Telugu cinema has been the graveyard of 'new-age' directors. Rarely has a filmmaker who attracted superlative praises with his first and/or second film(s) sustained himself here. Sudheer Varma of '...Continue reading
In 'Ori Devuda', Arjun Durgaraju (Vishwak Sen) and Anu Paulraj (Mithila Papkar) are a married couple who apply for divorce. They are childhood friends whose marriage becomes incompatible for variou...Continue reading
'Anger Tales', starring Suhas, Venkatesh Maha, Tharun Bhascker, Bindhu Madhavi, Madonna Sebastian, Ravindra Vijay, Phani Acharya, and others, will start streaming on Disney+ Hotstar this Thursday (...Continue reading
'Annapurna Photo Studio', starring Chaitanya Rao and Lavanya Sahukara, is a period film bankrolled by Yash Rangineni. The news is that a song titled 'Vennello Adapilla' from the entertainer is out....Continue reading
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