Acclaimed filmmaker Deva Katta, known for 'Prasthanam' and 'Vennela', is creating a multi-seasonal web series. The 'Republic' director and his team are looking for fresh faces for the untitled seri...Continue reading
Deva Katta’s ‘Authonagar Surya’ is presently progressing in Ramoji Film City. Raju Sundaram is choreographing a song on Naga Chaitanya and Samantha. Naga Chaitanya is playing the title role and w...Continue reading
'Aevum Jagat', starring Kiran Geya, Prakruthivanam Prasad, Brigadier Ganesham (retd), Inaya Sultana, and others, is a village-based drama. The news is that its teaser has been released at the hands...Continue reading
Naga Chaitanya and Samantha starrer ‘Autonagar Surya’ is presently being shot in Hyderabad for which a special set was erected. It’s learnt that the shooting of the climax part is taking place in ...Continue reading
'Republic', which stars Sai Dharam Tej as the hero, is all set to be streamed on ZEE5 from November 26. The OTT platform has come up with a novel idea to make the movie more interesting. A special...Continue reading
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