Mahesh Babu's nephew Ashok Galla is going to make his debut with a film, directed by Sriram Aditya of 'Devadas' fame and Nidhie Agerwal is playing the female lead in this one. Now, Jagapathi Bab...Continue reading
Mahesh Babu’s nephew and Guntur MP Jayadev Galla’s son Ashok Galla awaits the release of 'Hero' on January 15. Directed by 'Bhale Manchi Roju' fame Sriram Adittya, the entertainer has ...Continue reading
'Devaki Nandana Vasudeva', starring Mahesh Babu's nephew Ashok Galla in the lead, will head to theaters on November 14. The film will most likely be pulverized by Suriya's 'Kanguva' at the box offi...Continue reading
'Hero' was released in theatres on January 15. The success meet of the comedy entertainer was held in Hyderabad on Sunday. Speaking on the occasion, debutant actor Ashok Galla said, "I will never ...Continue reading
The title of Ashok Galla's movie sounds much like 'Jaya Janaki Nayaka'. It is being called 'Devaki Nandana Vasudeva'. In keeping with the divinely-sounding title, symbolism and iconography related ...Continue reading
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