The maiden episode of the sixth season of Bigg Boss Telugu was aired on Sunday (Sept 4). The list of contestants suggests that the show's priority lies in offering one-note or two-note entertainmen...Continue reading
Praveen Sattaru, who directed Chandamama Kathalu and Garuda Vega is getting ready to direct another film in 2020. This one will be a action thriller and will star Nagarjuna Akkineni. Initially Pra...Continue reading
The First Look and Title of PVP Cinema’s Bilingual Entertainer, starring Nagarjuna Akkineni and Karthi, directed by Vamshi Paidipally, will be released on Sept. 18, 2015. The film also stars T...Continue reading
After the massive crash of Manmadhudu 2, Akkineni Nagarjuna went on a small sabbatical. He must have weighed his options and thought of the genre of films that he should do. After all that failure ...Continue reading
It is a known fact that Akkineni Akhil is trying his best to give a solid hit as a hero. Akhil's movies Akhil- The Power Of Jua, Hello, and Majnu failed to impress the audience. Nagarjuna who wants...Continue reading
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