Naveen Chandra, who was recently seen in the OTT release 'Super Over', has been signed up for a movie to be directed by Aravind. A crime thriller, the film is produced by producer Javvaji Ramanjane...Continue reading
‘Bham Bolenath’ starring Navdeep, Naveen Chandra, Pradeep, Pooja, Prachi and Sreya in lead roles is all set for release on 23rd of January. The film is being made under RCC Entertainments banner wi...Continue reading
Naveen Chandra's 'Mission 2020' was released in theatres on October 29. Directed by Karanam Babji of 'Mental Police' and 'Operation 2019' fame, the film is admittedly inspired by the political situ...Continue reading
'Ardha Shathabdham' is the latest direct-to-streamer release that Aha is bringing. To be released on June 11, its trailer was out today. Directed by Rawindra Pulle, the film's trailer was released...Continue reading
Why do we have to commit a wrong even when we are aware that it is not moral to do so? What compelling circumstances and inevitabilities inform our ethical choices? 'Nindha', a crime thriller with ...Continue reading
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