A thriller titled 'KA' is Kiran Abbavaram's upcoming release. Starring Thanvi Ram and Nayan Sarika of 'AAY' fame as the female leads, the film is directed by the Sujith-Sandeep duo. Produced by Sri...Continue reading
Marking the auspicious occasion of Sri Rama Navami, a special glimpse of the upcoming movie of Dulquer Salman and director Hanu Raghavapudi was released today by Swapna Cinema. A period film, it i...Continue reading
Suresh kondeti, who gave us many marvels like ‘Premisthe’, ‘Shopping Mall’, ‘Journey’ and ‘Pizza’, is bringing yet another masterpiece ‘Janatha...Continue reading
'Major', which is directed by Sashi Kiran Tikka, is an action drama. The film is based on the 26/11 Mumbai Attacks and Major Sundeep Unnikrishnan's heroism. "A song I personally love," Superstar M...Continue reading
'Sita Ramam', starring Dulquer Salmaan in the lead, was released in theatres on 5 August 2022. Produced by Vyjayanthi Movies and Swapna Cinema, it featured Mrunal Thakur as the female lead and had ...Continue reading
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