In Mrithyunjay, it seems that Sree Vishnu is playing a hyper-intelligent character who gets to decide when the game must be over. He can be witty and humorous in addition. "A NEW ME. A NEW ...Continue reading
Producer Raj kandukuri after his block buster ‘Pellichoopulu’ is producing ‘Mental Madhilo’ with introducing new director Vivek Athreya from short films and the movie has ju...Continue reading
Raja Raja Chora's second week schedule and the movie running successfully in Overseas,king size entertainment guranteed.Overseas release by Redheart movies. State ...Continue reading
In the coming two weeks, on two consecutive Fridays, two comedy entertainers are going to be released. Comedy is their broad genre, although the genres are different. 'Om Bheem Bush' (March 22nd re...Continue reading
'Om Bheem Bush', touted to be a new-age comedy entertainer co-starring Sree Vishnu, Priyadarshi and Rahul Ramakrishna, will be released in theatres on March 22. Helmed by Sree Harsha Konuganti, its...Continue reading
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