Victory Venkatesh’s forthcoming racy flick ‘Shadow’, directed by Meher Ramesh featuring an ensemble cast of Venkatesh, Srikanth, Taapsee, Madhurima, Aditya Pancholi, Nagababu, M S Narayana, Jayapra...Continue reading
Chiranjeevi's 'Bholaa Shankar', directed by Meher Ramesh, is heading to the theatres on August 11. Producer Anil Sunkara is not going to change the date come what may. The news is that the fi...Continue reading
'Billa' is headed for a theatrical re-release on October 23. Prabhas' birthday is being most awaited by his fans for the same reason. On Thursday, the makers released a trailer. "We have loaded it...Continue reading
Mehar Ramesh’s action-packed movie starring Victory Venkatesh, Srikanth and Taapsee in lead roles will hit theaters on April 26th. According to producer Parachuri Kireeti, ‘Shadow’ is the highest ...Continue reading
The super stylish stills of Victory Venkatesh from his upcoming film ‘Shadow’ were released yesterday. It’s an action thriller on mafia backdrop being directed by Meher Ramesh. The teaser and som...Continue reading
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