The 2018 film 'Sye Raa' depicted the life of India's first freedom fighter, Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy. However, its narrative appeared to align more with the genre of a rural rebellion against the...Continue reading
As you are aware, ‘Nippu’ in the combination of Ravi Teja-Gunasekhar-YVS Chowdary is all set to release on Janyary 13th, 2012 as Sankranthi gift. Now producer YVS Chowdary has announced that the a...Continue reading
A new hero from Ravi Teja’s family is making his acting debut. It is the Mass Maharaja's brother Raghu Raju’s son Madhav Bhupathi Raju. The project was announced today and it will go on...Continue reading
Deeksha Seth appears to be having a great time with pretty good offers. The actress who made her debut through ‘Vedam’ later gained good popularity through Ravi Teja starrer ‘Mirapakay’. Although...Continue reading
The pre-release event of 'Ramarao On Duty' (to be released in theatres on July 29) had in attendance Natural Star Nani as the chief guest. Ravi Teja said that he has worked with a lot of tec...Continue reading
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