'Rakshasudu', the psychological thriller, was released in 2019. Directed by Ramesh Varma, it was produced by educationalist Koneru Satyanarayana of KL University. The director-producer duo later co...Continue reading
Shooting of ‘Muni-3’ began in Chennai. This Lawrence-Taapsee starrer horror movie on comedy backdrop is being directed by Lawrence himself, who also became successful as producer by producing his ...Continue reading
Raghava Lawrence today said that he won't be holding fan photoshoots at a single location anymore. Last time, a fan of his met with an accident and died while on his way to attend his photoshoot in...Continue reading
'Chandramukhi 2' has been in the making for a long time. The film is supposed to hit the cinemas on September 15. On Friday noon, Chennai-based media reports said that the horror thriller's theatr...Continue reading
Raghava Lawrence's 'Rudhrudu' will hit the cinemas on April 14. Its Telugu release rights have been acquired by producer Tagore Madhu, who will be releasing the film in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana...Continue reading
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