Bigg Boss Telugu created history as the most watched Telugu show in the entertainment industry. Star Maa, popular Telugu GEC channel now gears up for its second season. In continuation of bringing...Continue reading
On Sunday, Natural Star Nani had to defend 'Jersey' and 'Shyam Singha Roy' when a scribe alleged that both films incurred losses for their distributors. The actor, speaking to the media at a 'Hi Na...Continue reading
The trailer of 'Saripodhaa Sanivaaram' has sparked a wave of speculations. The similarities between Nani's latest movie and the 2023 Tamil-language superhero movie 'Maaveeran' are glaring. They are...Continue reading
The next season of Bigg Boss 3 is underway. Nagarjuna too is free now. He has finished his work for Manmadhudu 2. Star Maa TV will be airing this reality show. They are also filming some promo mate...Continue reading
In just a week Bigg Boss garnered nearly 60% viewership in the market with a launch day TVR of 15.1 - Source: BARC INDIA, TG -15+ AP & TS Urban. On the launch day Star Maa had every second Tel...Continue reading
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