Mahesh Babu has given his nod to yet another director and he is none other than Krish, known for his though provoking and social conscious films. If sources are to be believed Mahesh was immensely...Continue reading
Superstar Mahesh Babu and A R Murugadoss's much awaited film Spyder was to have its teaser release today. But this has been postponed as Tollywood's great director Dasari Narayana Rao passed away l...Continue reading
Superstar Mahesh Babu, who watched 'Manam' recently, showered praises on the film as well as the Akkineni family on twitter. ...Continue reading
As we speak, opinion articles are being written about 'RRR' in the Western media. A writer raving about the film in an article written for 'The Atlantic' compares 'RRR' with the Marvel movies and s...Continue reading
SSMB28 commenced its shoot earlier this month. Earlier today, gossip emerged that Mahesh Babu had to call off the schedule without completing it because stunt masters AnbAriv were miffed with him f...Continue reading
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