Uday Kiran, who earlier did an action fim ‘Sriram’ which was on police backdrop, is currently doing yet another action film on the same backdrop titled ‘Jai Sriram’. Balaji N Sai is directing this...Continue reading
Uday Kiran-Reshma’s ‘Jai Sriram’ has completed its talkie part. Directed by Balaji N Sai and produced by Thella Ramesh and NCH Rajesh on Five Star Entertainments banner, ‘Jai Sriram’ is a story of...Continue reading
Uday Kiran’s ‘Nuvvekadunte Nenakkadunta’ is finally hitting screens this Friday, 20th of April. The film was directed by Subhaselvam with Uday Kiran and Swetha Basu Prasad as lead pair. D Kumar a...Continue reading
Late actor Uday Kiran is still remembered as a loverboy. It is a known fact that Uday Kiran had commited suicide in the year 2014. Uday Kiran had acted in a movie titled 'Chitram Cheppina Katha' b...Continue reading
When the final curtain came down for lover boy Uday Kiran on Sunday midnight at 12.15 PM, in a house he no longer wanted to live and eventually put an end to his life, many felt that he should not ...Continue reading
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